Lenten reflection by Miguel Carpizo: my kind of Jesus


I believe there are two kinds of Jesus in today’s world:

First, the one that is taught and creates a subculture that excludes people who are different.

Second, the one who walks in the red zone of a city, who visits a bar with their friends, who sits among gay and lesbians listening to their stories, who works with the undocumented immigrant for minimum wages, suffering deplorable conditions and the constant rejection and racial comments of the local community.

This Jesus hangs out with a Persian man and learns from him, without questioning. It is not the one who keeps asking himself if this person “has prayed the prayer,” but looks at him not with anger but compassion, not for a statistical number to be reported at the end of the year, but as someone He can welcome into his house for hospitality.

One Jesus writes entire collections of books to create laws on how people need to act in this world, and serve in a “church” he never started it, because for him it is people that make the difference. If you cannot follow these rules, you are asked to leave, or simply the door that was once opened for you to come, will be closed when you leave.

But the second Jesus gives you his hand and tells you: “Do not worry, we are going to make it!”

There is the Jesus of suit-and-tie-people who will ask strangers: “what are you doing here?” or “please do not park in our parking lot, it belongs to us.” It is the Jesus of the relaxed ones, who suggest that you dress casual and listen to current teaching but always with the understanding that you will adapt eventually to their lifestyle.

The second Jesus does not care how you dress, how you are taught; he is not concerned about the effective ways of discipleship and the many good programs for children; he will go to the movies, enjoy a meal at your place while drinking a cup of wine, play at Chucky Cheese and win many tickets to be exchanged by a cheap toy. He joins his friends and set up a tent and jams at Hippie Jacks.

He is not only the one of revivals and big worship conferences. He is among his people, doing what they love the most.

He sits with the Buddhist, the Muslim, the Hindu, the atheist, and shares the goodness of what he lives, but never confronting, judging or even trying to convince them of their wrongness. He also gives himself the opportunity to learn from them. He will send text messages back and forward with a new friend or update his twitter so people will know what he is doing all the time. He even has a Facebook account to create networking so he can truly be known, and even post funny videos so others can have a laugh.

He sings karaoke, he does not care about being laughed at, he is surreal, creative, out there, random, and fun. He dances, even though sometimes is criticized. He can cry with someone and dry their tears with his fingers or do lots of belly laughing when making a bad joke.

This Jesus listens in his iPod to good Cuban Son, Lady Gaga, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen, Coldplay, and Juanes. He has Rob Bell and Pema Chödron in his podcast, and many games so he can play while waiting in the doctors’ office. (oops! May be he does not really get sick!!).

He reads all kind of books from different authors and many different ideologies, why? Because he wants to sympathize with others. He fights against ignorance, human injustice, and intolerance. He is learning to recycle and be a green Jesus. He may study a Master in Divinity, but he also goes into Mechanical Engineering, Sociology, and Computer Science so he can develop his own website, or get into an Education program.  He does this with the whole purpose to be out of the four walls of a building into the world His Father-Mother created. Oh! Of course He has a Father and a Mother and both are heavenly.  He believes in nature, mother earth, or just simply the universe.

He prepares a meal to celebrate his friends’ achievements. Has coffee in a local coffee shop. In summer He wakes up early and shops for fruits and vegetables in the local farmers market; he dances in the club and supports every event the City does. He wears uniform, shorts, Chaco sandals, jeans, and tie; has long hair, short hair or no hair at all.

He speaks Spanish, English, German, French, and Chinese; even though he lives in the United States in the Deep South, he understands the beauty of a colorful mosaic, and what this brings to his community. He is a man, a woman, a doctor, a gay or lesbian, transgender, queer, a nurse, a teacher, a football player, a musician, a husband, and a kid.

He lives in you, so this means he is well represented in the community; creating a much diverse world.

I once followed the first Jesus, now I am living the second one, but I am still getting to know him, and He keeps surprising me.

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