All posts by Peggy Johnson

Lenten reflection from Peggy Johnson

Lent is a great time to think about all our relationships.

This is a  “tool”  that works for healing relationships. Read it out loud several times every morning and night or whenever you can. Plug in the person’s name you want to improve your relationship with.

My experience is either it will improve, or the emotions are neutralized.

My Commitment:

___________I promise to TRUST you enough to tell you the truth and treat you LOVINGLY, gently and with respect, in my thoughts, words and actions, whether in your presence or not.

___________In every interaction I will look for and acknowledge the highest and best in you as I surrender to LOVE, our true nature.  My connection to my Source and nurturing my relationship with you will always be more important than any issue.

___________If anything unlike LOVE comes up, I will hold us in my heart and listen as we each learn to speak, experience and beRESPONSE-ABLE for our own realities. I will be there, for and with you, keep communication open and keep LOVE conscious, active and present


Written by Dr. Michael Ryce. Shared with his permission.

-Peggy Johnson

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Lenten reflections from Peggy Johnson


I like sayings to keep me on track such as, “Today is the first day of the rest of my life, the rest of my life is the best of my life, and the best of my life is the rest of my life, and so it is. Thank you God!”

I also like reviewing my gratitude list which includes everything, including the kitchen sink.

It is a good time to let go of bad habits like not staying in touch with friends, or connect with someone who would not expect you to call them.

A good time to get in touch with someone you have on your mind, but have not taken the time to call or see.


Peggy Johnson

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