Category Archives: Lenten reflection

Lenten reflection from Loucrecia Collins: Our work as our faith

I have spent the last 34 years of my life as an educator. During those years I have served as a teacher, lead teacher, principal and now my vocation is that of a professor. While many changes and mandates have developed, my love and passion for the work has never faltered. For the work is a mission…a way of helping others see the infinite possibilities for their lives. Often I ask my students, “How will you let your light shine in the world?” Through my work, I believe my role is to unleash the potential of all that I meet… help them to embellish the world.

My work has taken me many places. Louisiana, Georgia, Alaska, Hawaii, Italy. My students have been Black, White, Alaska Native, Italian, and of Asian descent. There have been rich and poor students to grace my life.  I have seen the naughty and nice students. And of the course, the very bright and the challenged learners have come my way. Always, I have told them how wonderful they are. I remember once a principal asked how was my class. I said “It’s the best class I ever had”. The next year she asked is your class? Yet again, I responded, “It’s the best class I ever had.” She quickly reminded me of my response from the previous year. I shared with her that every class brings a unique magic to my every class was always the best class I ever had.

The magic continues even in Higher Education. Last week, three African American students completed their doctoral studies under my guidance. Each cried as we moved through the final stages of the long grueling dissertation process. Each was a first generation college graduate. During our meeting, the scholars expressed such joy and spoke of those who had passed on, but had paved a way for them to be at such a pinnacle of education. They spoke of the sacrifice made by families and long suffering of relationships. Each was relieved that the academic journey was over and took on a glow of fulfillment and gratitude. A personal and professional transformation had occurred.  The students and the professor were as one! Our work can be a reflection of our faith, if we choose! I always pray for the work I do that it will magnify the goodness of God’s Kingdom and I remind my students that they have to pass on the knowledge and help someone.

Lent is a season of suffering, transformation and joy. As we move through this season, let us embrace the suffering of our Lord and Christ as he prepared to leave this earthly life for the ultimate gift of life he gave us.


-Loucrecia Collins

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Lenten reflection from Cindy Jones

Morning Psalm 271   

The LORD is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?

How many times have you heard someone say with conviction I am a God fearing man? I love the Lord with all my heart. I try to do what is right but I am far from a saint. There are questions about The Bible I have struggled with through the years and loving a God I am suppose to fear has always been foreign to me. For me I can’t associate   fear with My loving, merciful God.

This is an issue I have prayed about over the course of time. At the beginning of the New Year I made a resolution to read my Bible every day. Though I must admit I have missed some days but this is a resolution I intend to keep. In my reading I found a verse in Proverbs, 8:13 that helped me reconcile my rebellion about a fearing God. Proverbs states to fear the Lord is to hate evil.  Although I can’t say if I really hate anything, I do know I don’t like the evil in the world. I wish everyone in the world could know the peace, happiness and contentment you feel when you and God walk as one. I know as I continue my daily readings more verses will touch my heart and I will gain a priceless gift in God’s wisdom.                     

Cindy Jones

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Lenten reflection from Carmen and Julien

“The Lord is gracious and merciful,
slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

“The Lord is good to all,
and his compassion is over all that he has made.”

Psalm 145:8-9

Julien: that verse might calm you down…

Granny Carm:……and be our inspiration to meet this challenge in ALL our interactions today, and this week.

 -Carmen Maria Austin and her precious granddaughter Julien

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Lenten reflection from Dick Sales

Matt. 4:8-11. Then the devil took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world… “All this I will give you … if you kneel down and worship me.”

That was an easy one, I’d say. First question, who ever said it was part of the devil’s portfolio to ‘own’ all those kingdoms. Second question: Devil, how do you ‘give’ a kingdom? Jesus called his bluff. Yes, the kingdoms were riddled with greed and corruption, self-serving civil servants, big people whose only purpose was to get more money, influence, power. I wonder sometimes what it would have looked like if the devil did have that portfolio. People would probably believe the only way to change their existence was by force of arms. They would seek to overthrow their rulers. But the outfit that took power would turn out to be half again as corrupt as the guys they threw out.

On second thought, maybe the devil did/does have charge over all the nations. I hate to think so but just maybe what we see as normal in our world, what we call ‘the way things are,’ is a world Jesus should have taken over back there in that desert temptation. But this is just the problem, isn’t it?

If God had willed us to live perfect lives of love and selflessness, probably it could have been. Ant colonies are full of workers who never even think of being disobedient (I suppose). But God didn’t it. God made Adam and Eve and first thing you know they were off and running counter clockwise. God expects us to struggle in the world, I guess. Maybe the whole question of our lives is how do we react when things are unfair, life is a bummer, when our hopes are dashed to bits, our dreams denied.  Maybe the world we live in is meant to test us, to press us to become strong minded. Maybe the whole point of living is to discover we need to turn to God and wait on her. Maybe the whole business of living is to turn our hearts to God and hear what God is willing for us.

God, we are so willful so much of the time, thinking what we make of the world is Your will. Teach us to listen, to trust you and to do your will. Amen.

-Dick Sales

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Lenten reflection: praying the offices

Lent is a time to reflect, so for the second year, Beloved Community Church offers daily Lenten Reflections.  One source of inspiration is the daily lectionary – scripture readings assigned for each day of the year (

Take today’s lectionary readings.  First of all, I noticed the sheer diversity of the readings.   They begin with morning Psalm 22, which jerked me from ” I am a worm, and not human; scorned by others, and despised by the people” to “Yet it was you who took me from the womb;  you kept me safe on my mother’s breast.”  Hmmm.

Then I moved on to the absolute promises of Deuteronomy 7 that if you diligently observe the commandments, the LORD your God “will love you, bless you, and multiply you; he will bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground, your grain and your wine and your oil, the increase of your cattle and the issue of your flock; you shall be the most blessed of peoples, with neither sterility nor barrenness among you or your livestock. The LORD will turn away from you every illness.”  Wow.

The next reading in Titus 2 had a long list of instructions of how older men, younger men, older women, younger women, and slaves should behave, in response to the grace of God given to all.  Okay.

Next, we have John’s version of Jesus calling his disciples.  They immediately recognize him as the Lamb of God, Rabbi, and Messiah– in the first chapter!  They are much quicker than the guys you meet in Matthew, Mark and Luke.  Interesting.

Finally, the evening Psalm – 105, a thanksgiving, or 130, a lament.  Depending on your day.

I was struck that there are five readings every day.  Five.  What if we read one of the daily readings at a different time every day?  We would be like the monks who pray the daily offices – how could we help but be closer to God if we took the time to do that?  It made me think of the Muslims who stop wherever they are to kneel and bow toward the east and pray five times every day.  Can you imagine how your spirit might change if you stopped each day, five times a day, for five minutes to pray? What if you interrupted whatever you were doing, no matter what it was or who was with you, to pray?  What if your boss was just telling  you that you really need to focus more on your work and you said, ‘excuse me, but I need to take 5 minutes to pray, I’ll be right back with you?’  What if you turned the TV off in the middle of your favorite show (and you didn’t have TIVO)?  Five readings, five times a day.  Five minutes of prayer, five times a day.  A Lenten practice that might change everything.

Rev. Angie Wright

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Lenten reflection: giving up hostility

As I was preparing for Lent, I read about one of the first bills to be introduced in this year’s session of the Alabama Legislature.  The bill proposes that any illegal immigrant can be found guilty of trespassing and sentenced to a year in prison simply for being in Alabama.  You and I can be found guilty and sentenced to a year in prison for knowingly taking an illegal immigrant to the doctor or the grocery store – or their immigration hearing.

The language used to justify this kind of action is so hateful.  “We have been invaded, and the invasion continues to this day,” said a retired teacher from Montgomery.  The campaign is so dehumanizing.  The people pushing the cause are so judgmental.  If only they could hear themselves.

If only I could hear myself.

I sound like the Pharisee in Luke 18, who stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people-robbers, evildoers, adulterers [fill in the blank]-or even like this tax collector.  I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’  In other words, I can be so judgmental of the judgmental.   I can be so inhospitable toward the inhospitable.  I can be so self-righteous toward the self-righteous!

Lent is often looked at as a ball and chain to be dragged about for 40 days, but it’s really a gift.  We’re invited to remove the veils that we’ve draped between ourselves and our God.   We’re invited, in the words of Joel 2, to “rend your heart and not your garments.  Return to the Lord, your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, and relents from punishing.”

So I’m going to give up something for Lent.  I’m going to give up my hostility towards those who are hostile to undocumented residents in our state.  That doesn’t mean I’m going to give up.  I’m still going to stand up for justice & mercy.  But I’m going to try to do it how Jesus did.  I’m going to try to do it how Martin Luther King did – I’m going to try to win them over with love.

-Rev. Angie Wright

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A Divine Morning – A Lenten reflection from Marianne Dreyspring

A Divine Morning
I walked out on the balcony this morning
 to douse the thirsty yaupon holly.
I stood gaping in surprise for there you were
 covering the pear tree, all white and fluffy.  
Is it time for your blossoming glory?
 There again you are doing your slow pirouettes on the telephone wire,
 with no thought of falling.
I turned and looked down the alley
in time to see you  creeping on your precious little paws, surveying a piece of your world with slow leisure steps.  I want to go down and scoop you up in my arms,
 cradling you like a baby.  I feel You 
want to cradle me too. 
One day, in the by and by…
One day   

-Marianne Dreyspring

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Lenten reflection from Dick Sales

Psalm 31 says in part: “… I trust in you, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God. My times are in your hand.'”

It reminds me of my first year in seminary. I had gone not because I was on fire for God, but because in college I had lost my faith and I determined to spend a year testing whether a God existed and if so whether I needed to do something about it. Come spring semester and I hadn’t seen any sign of God at all. I decided I would go to every church service of every sort around the University of Chicago campus and it was marvelous how many there were. By mid April I felt exhausted emotionally without having solved anything. I realized I truly wanted God to exist, desperately so.

The Methodist Campus group was putting on a vesper service on the Lord’s Prayer and I went, reluctantly. I’d stopped expecting anything after weeks of worship. I sat with a Quaker friend and discovered the service consisted of black robed damsels writhing while somebody intoned the Lord’s Prayer and somebody else played the organ. I was defeated. I simply folded and wanted to cry. All I had seen was flesh when I thought I’d come for spirit. My Quaker buddy noted my anguish and thought me ill. I shook my head. I wasn’t ill that way. Well, would I go with him to Sunday supper at Quaker House. It only cost a quarter. I had a quarter, just exactly, and he took me.

You guessed it. In the midst of silent prayer I heard the words of Psalm 100:3: “Know that the Lord is God, He made you and you are His.”

I knew then and know now this moment represented wish fulfillment and was very psychologically explainable. I had a long way to go over more than fifty five years on two continents. But from that day, while I’ve anguished over a lot of other stuff, I haven’t doubted that ‘my times were in God’s hand.’

 -Dick Sales

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Lenten reflection from Marianne Dreyspring

Oh, how I love Lent,
My time to get close to Jesus,
Reading scripture, praying.
The intimacy of his embrace
during centering prayer
and holy communion.
Walking the path through his life,
leading to Calvary.
Knowing the profound love that led
my Creator to do the unthinkable,
To become the son of man, joining us
In the suffering of this veil of tears,
when He could have stayed in the eternal light.
When the reality of this enters my soul,
I weep.
In holy week, I take the part of someone
in Christ’s life.
My favorites are Peter, John, and Mary Magdalene.
Choose someone that there is adequate scripture about.

That gives you more to work with.
If I have the courage, I want to be the angel
In the Garden of Gethsemane this Holy Week.

(Luke’s gospel, Chapter 22)
I will have the opportunity to comfort Jesus
in his difficult hours before he is taken
into custody.
Depressed people, do not do this.
I do this kind of meditation to feel Christ’s humanity.
It does bring me close to Jesus, the comfort of His love,
His accepting embrace,
the assurance that our God knows well
what we go through here.

 -Marianne Dreyspring

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Lenten reflection from Dick Sales

Isaiah 43:2 says, “When you  pass through deep waters I will be with you; your troubles will not overwhelm you.”

It’s funny how many vivid impressions come with early encounters in new situations. Some First Church people will remember I spoke about this occasion some years back. Deep water indeed. We talk about floods but there were times in South Africa during my first ears there when bridges were washed out to the north and the south and we were to all intents and purposes on an island. It was during one such three day rain that I was scheduled to lead a service in an outstation of the Dweshula Church on the top of an escarpment. 

Alan Paton once said Natal Province was like fingers reaching for the sea. Well,this church lay atop a swollen knuckle. I was proud of the fact that I kept my appointments so early in the rain that Sunday I drove south on the coastal road until I came to the road leading to the church. The rain, now in its second day, was heavy as I reached the foot of the escarpment and began to drive up on a graveled road toward the top. I neither met nor expected to meet another vehicle and while my car slipped and spun a bit it managed the mountainside road to the top. I don’t mind admitting that I was deeply relieved to have made it to the top and the outstation. Sure enough people came though the downpour continued unabated. Inside the sheet iron roof and I had to shout to be heard. The rain, if anything, got heavier and as the service ended I was glad I would be going down from the escarpment, not up it.

I learned early to drive in snow and mud so it shifted into second gear and made sure I didn’t do anything sudden as I descended. Then it happened! As I rounded a bend in a very precipitous place there was a car that had ended up against the mountainside. But worse there were half a dozen people on the sheer side waving at me to stop and help them. I trod on the brake before I thought of what I was doing because although I doubted i could stop the distance between the vehicle and the people was little more than the width of my car. Immediately the car lost traction and turned sideways. I turned the wheel the other way and it swung about almost sideways the other way and those people were getting close. I didn’t touch the brake but turned into the skid and my car straightened out just as it reached the people. It slid between them and their vehicle and continued to slide down the hill until, some yards beyond it once more gained traction and took me to the foot of the escarpment. Then I sat and shook for some minutes. Then I had the wit to give thanks.

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