Gospel Night at Beloved Saturday, May 2nd

Gospel Night 2015

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Resurrection Story

From a sermon read on Easter Sunday 2015

Rebirth by Terrance Osborne
Rebirth by Terrance Osborne

We tell the stories

Because they are our stories.

We tell the stories

To find ourselves,

To remind ourselves

Who we are

And whose we are.

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Holy Saturday Reflection from Rev. Angie: Claiming Them As Our Own

She is slowly taking her leave,
The painful withering away
Of mind and body
That is Alzheimer’s.

She lies still in her own bedroom
Given the dignity of dying in her own home
By her beloved devoted daughter Lynn.

Grace, who is full of Grace,
Has been at their side

In constant loving care
For both dying mother
And grieving daughter.

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Good Friday Reflection: The Stations of the Cross

This visual reflection from the Episcopal Church Visual Arts registry, by Kathrin Burleson, entitled “The Soul’s Journey: A Mystical Approach to the Stations of the Cross,” contemplates Christ’s journey through imprisonment, crucifixion and resurrection. Click on each image to view a prayer you might pray while contemplating each stage of the journey. 

I: Jesus Prays in the Garden of Gethsemane

He came out and went, as was his custom, to the Mount of Olives; and the disciples followed him. When he reached the place, he said to them, ‘Pray that you may not come into the time of trial.’ Then he withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, knelt down, and prayed, ‘Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; yet, not my will but yours be done.’ Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and gave him strength. In his anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down on the ground. — Luke 22
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The Heroic and Visionary Women of Passover (Reflection by Ruth Bader Ginsberg)

This reflection from the American Jewish World Service was written by Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt. It reflects on a story from Exodus that is central to Passover – the story of Pharoah’s murder of every firstborn male child (Exodus 1:8-21). The role of women in this story is not often emphasized, but as this passage tells us, women stood up to defy the law.

Several Beloveds will observe passover tonight as part of the UCC Joint Maundy Thursday/Seder Service at Covenant Community UCC. We will remember that Christ also observed Passover on the night he was imprisoned.

The Heroic and Visionary Women of Passover

By Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt

Shared via the American Jewish World Service


On Passover, Jews are commanded to tell the story of the Exodus and to see ourselves as having lived through that story, so that we may better learn how to live our lives today. The stories we tell our children shape what they believe to be possible—which is why at Passover, we must tell the stories of the women who played a crucial role in the Exodus narrative.

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Lenten Reflection from Marcia Bentley: Saved

If you confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. – Romans 10:9 (NRSV)

Jesus…when you come into your kingdom – Luke, 23:42 (NRSV)

There was a man. He lived a life of crime. As far as we know, he never went to church. He didn’t attend Sunday school, or tithe, or sing in the choir, or even go to the church dinners.

And yet, he’s in heaven. How do I know? Jesus said so.

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Lenten reflection by Rev. Angie Wright: Lighting the darkness

 Triumphal Entry (1969), Emmanuel Nsama, mural in the chapel at Njase School, Choma, Zambia

Last week I stood in a place
Where the threat of violence
And the promise of nonviolence
Came face to face.

I stood in a place
Where hope and futility
Clashed horns.

I stood in a place
Where fierce love
Went toe-to-toe
Against the violent abuse of power.

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Lenten Reflection from Marianne Dreyspring: Prodigal

058-prodigal-son 2

“Long have I waited for your coming back to me and living deeply our new life.”

We sing these touching words and again I am astonished at the image of our God wanting me with Him for all time… wanting us all and keeping His eye on our journey. Watching for us, even searching for us when we get lost along the way, like Jesus describes the good shepherd does.

In the prodigal son parable Jesus tells a story with this same image of a waiting  father watching the horizon for his estranged son. In my lonely wanderings away from God, I was not abandoned, but felt forgotten. I look back and see depression’s distorted thinking clouded everything that could have helped me see God’s love for me.

Don’t let me close my eyes to other depressed souls who feel lonely and forgotten by God. They may sit down by me at church this Sunday or they may move into Episcopal Place this week. Let me look beyond myself to them, like You do, Jesus.

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Holy Week at Beloved

Palm Sunday Potluck

Sunday, March 29th, immediately following 6 pm worship. 

131 41st Street South, Birmingham

Come as you are, bring friends, family, share what you can – all are welcome!

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Lenten Reflection by Rev. Angie Wright: Suffering of the body

Rev. Angie read the following statement Thursday on behalf of GBM to welcome Caravana 43, families of the 43 Mexican students who were disappeared by the police last September.

The families believe the students are still alive and they are here to demand accountability from the Mexican government.

They also asked President Obama to stop funding the Merida Initiative, which they say supports police corruption.

“For 46 years, GBM has worked tirelessly for justice and mercy and to lift up the voices of the victims of neglect, poverty and abuse of power.
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