As Beloved continues our search for a pastor, we will welcome incredible guest preachers from our community to share wisdom, guidance, and encouragement for our lives.
Join us Sunday evenings at 6 pm for the message, the company of Beloveds, and the music of our own Beloved Community Orchestra!
Sunday, May 1st, 2016: Rev. Brandon Harris

Rev. Dr. Brandon Harris serves as Senior Pastor for our neighboring Avondale UMC. A Birmingham native and an Auburn grad, Rev. Harris helped our church when we needed a home after the tornado destroyed our roof in 2014. Rev. Harris will soon be moving to Rainbow City FUMC, and we are glad to have one last chance to hear his message for us.
Sunday, May 8th: Jennifer Sanders
This Mother’s Day, join us to celebrate women who impact our lives: mothers, godmothers, aunties, stepmothers, leaders, teachers, mentors, nurturers and friends. Join us to celebrate the amazing women in our lives! We hope you will join us with an important woman in your life.
Sunday, May 15th, 6 pm: Rev. Kelley Hudlow
An Episcopal deacon and Director of Community Relations with our neighbor The Abbey, Rev. Kelley also serves as chaplain of the Alabama Iona Ministry School for bi-vocational priests, lay leaders and deacons.
Sunday, May 22nd, 6 pm: Hector Black
An activist against the death penalty, Hector will share his powerful story about his daughter’s murder, a story of hope, anger, acceptance, pain, forgiveness and friendship.Read more about Hector here.
June 29th: Rev. Rodney Franklin
Rev. Dr. Rodney Franklin is pastor at First Congregational UCC in Birmingham, which is Birmingham’s oldest congregational church, founded in 1882! He will preach on the “Faith of an Outsider” found in Luke 7:1-10.